
Transition Readiness Tool

The Transition Readiness Index

What is Transition Readiness?

Identifying if the region is capable and ready in delivering transition towards climate neutrality through innovation. Capturing the transition readiness of the region by studying the region’s governance structure, cross sectorial initiatives, capability and innovation capacity, current regulation practices, engagement practices, financial strength and investment opportunities etc.

What is the goal of the survey?

In order to efficiently guide regions toward transition to climate neutrality, it is important to understand how mature a region already is in delivering transition towards climate neutrality through innovation and how ready to implement innovative cross sectorial policy-making. Towards this aim, a self-assessment tool was developed for measuring the transition readiness of a region and identifying strengths and weak points.

Research Question:

How ready/mature is the region to deliver transition towards climate neutrality through innovation and develop innovative cross-sectorial policy responses?


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