
Transition Readiness Tool



How to calculate the Transition Readiness of your region?
(approx. 7-10 mins)
In the following survey, you will find:
- Specific questions about different elements of the region's ecosystem and
- Description of the range of the expected answers.

You need to assign a score value (1-5) to each question considering the transition aspects the question tries to quantify.

1. What is the level of inter-departmental coordination for implementing actions to combat climate change? (Region authority or functional region area may be considered) *

Scale 1
Scale 2
Scale 3
Scale 4
Scale 5

2. What is the level of cross-sectorial Planning? *

Scale 1
Scale 2
Scale 3
Scale 4
Scale 5

3. At what level the region has the competence for fund raising for innovation (PP schemes, …) What is the level of public investments for smart innovative policy making? *

Scale 1
Scale 2
Scale 3
Scale 4
Scale 5

4. At what level the stakeholder's analysis is mature? *

Scale 1
Scale 2
Scale 3
Scale 4
Scale 5

5. What is the level of political support in climate transition?*

Scale 1
Scale 2
Scale 3
Scale 4
Scale 5

6. What is the level of (inter)national synergies with neutral partners (research institutions, universities) and other regions and organisations for knowledge transfer (e.g. POLIS, Eurocities, EIT)? *

Scale 1
Scale 2
Scale 3
Scale 4
Scale 5

7. What is the level of availability of physical/digital infrastructure & services offered in the region? *

Scale 1
Scale 2
Scale 3
Scale 4
Scale 5

8. Can the region be characterized as a region with Research & innovation activities on climate neutrality? *

Scale 1
Scale 2
Scale 3
Scale 4
Scale 5

9. What is the region's population educational level and digital competence? *

Scale 1
Scale 2
Scale 3
Scale 4
Scale 5

10. What is the share of renewable energies in gross final energy consumption and production? *

Scale 1
Scale 2
Scale 3
Scale 4
Scale 5

11. What is the level of smartness, inclusiveness and transparency of the region’s Government processes (e-tools, e-Governance practices, data transparency, mechanisms for citizen participation, awareness of changes that are happening)? *

Scale 1
Scale 2
Scale 3
Scale 4
Scale 5

12. Is region’s data open source, safe and easily accessible? *

Scale 1
Scale 2
Scale 3
Scale 4
Scale 5

13. Does the region follow stakeholder’s engagement practices for co-creation and co-design of innovative solutions? *

Scale 1
Scale 2
Scale 3
Scale 4
Scale 5

14. Is the region open to deploy and test new business models? Is the triple helix for innovation applied for smart solutions? *

Scale 1
Scale 2
Scale 3
Scale 4
Scale 5

15. Does the region follow a regulatory framework for achieving climate neutrality? *

Scale 1
Scale 2
Scale 3
Scale 4
Scale 5

16. At what degree socio technical transition happens in the region? *

Scale 1
Scale 2
Scale 3
Scale 4
Scale 5

17. Has the region a regulatory framework for use of renewable energy resources? *

Scale 1
Scale 2
Scale 3
Scale 4
Scale 5

18. What is the level of region’s economic development? (Economic performance: GDP per capita, employment rate, income levels, business climate. Socio-economic well-being: poverty rate, quality of life) *

Scale 1
Scale 2
Scale 3
Scale 4
Scale 5

19. How mature and smart is the data collection for understanding the current situation of different sectors? (Smart infrastructure, ITS, survey)? *

Scale 1
Scale 2
Scale 3
Scale 4
Scale 5

20. To what extent is the current region's policy making data and evidence driven? *

Scale 1
Scale 2
Scale 3
Scale 4
Scale 5

21. Does the region have skilled workforce on innovative solutions? *

Scale 1
Scale 2
Scale 3
Scale 4
Scale 5

22. How wealthy is the region in terms of number of big innovators and high-tech start-up companies? *

Scale 1
Scale 2
Scale 3
Scale 4
Scale 5

23. To what extent are citizens adopting new services and green solutions that contribute to the achievement of climate neutrality? *

Scale 1
Scale 2
Scale 3
Scale 4
Scale 5

24. What ways does the region use to raise environmental awareness? *

Scale 1
Scale 2
Scale 3
Scale 4
Scale 5

25. At what level the knowledge is disseminated to public? *

Scale 1
Scale 2
Scale 3
Scale 4
Scale 5

26. To what extent the region is aware of the veto players in climate neutrality action? *

Scale 1
Scale 2
Scale 3
Scale 4
Scale 5